For breakfast, to maintain the physical line or even as a snack. This smoothie is ideal for athletes who want to increase muscle mass and even for women with menopause or peri-menopause, a period in which a lot of muscle mass is lost and must be preserved, as well as the firmness of the skin, avoiding the appearance of cellulite due to sagging. It can be taken before or after training


  • 30 gr of chocolate flavored protein (we have used Foodspring).
  • 200ml of water
  • 2 scoops of Pink collagen
  • 1 large handful of frozen raspberries
  • 1 small handful of dark chocolate chips
  • 1 small handful chopped walnuts

Add the protein and the two scoops of Pink, the water and mix well until dissolved, add the raspberries and blend again, finally add the chocolate chips and chopped walnuts, blend slowly, finally decorate with dark chocolate powder.

  • Protein powder: it will provide enough nutrition to improve muscle mass and energy, as well as being a great nutritious, with it we get a smoothie that can even replace a meal if we are dieting, along with collagen will be a great source of essential amino acids. s
  • Raspberries: are very rich in folic acid and vitamin C, potassium, calcium and fiber, contains polyphenols, antioxidants such as flavonoids, and anthocyanins, and ellagic acid to help enhance the effect of Unique pink collagen.
  • Unique Pink collagen: will provide us with antioxidant elements, anti-aging as the Mediterranean pine extract improves skin tone, hair, as well as digestive health thanks to the content of prebiotics and Ayurvedic plant mixture that will get improved intestinal transit, flat stomach effect and lighter digestions.
  • Nuts : are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, which help reduce cholesterol, rich in amino acid L-arginine that improves blood circulation, contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins.
  • Dark chocolate : will help us to improve our mood by activating the production of endorphins, the theobromine it contains is an antioxidant and also gives us energy.